Buyer First Bites #6: Trainual

Bold Recipes

Happy Friday!

This week we’ve got a new cook in the kitchen (sorry gotta do the food puns).

Buyer-First Bites is now bi-weekly and every other edition will come from a guest B2B marketer (instead of walkthroughs from me).

Today’s chef is Erin Balsa. Erin has mastered bold B2B recipes and how to make a first impression that stands out. In today’s newsletter, Erin gives her first impression of the website, Trainual. I learned so much from watching Erin.

Most importantly how to make a great first impression with your above-the-fold: 

1) How the H1 + image (or better video or demo) need to answer:

  • What is this tool

  • Is it for people like me 

2) Why you should use bold colors for CTAs 

3) How prominent pricing builds initial trust 

Read or watch here: Erin’s First Impressions of Trainual

Missed the last edition's bite? See why I was impressed by Remote's Clarity + Repetition